From March1 to March 2 2012, the International Symposium was held in Kyoto, Japan by Faculty of Economics of Japan Doshisha University. Professor Li Zheng from our school was invited to participate in it. Professor Li did stage host, making the keynote speech and comments during the symposium.

The symposium, aiming at promoting international academic cooperation among the relevant institutions, involved fields and disciplines of creative city and cultural economics, social security and welfare economics, the Asian economy and international economics etc. Scholars and doctoral students from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and other countries also attended this symposium.

Professor Li addressed on the symposium with a paper named How Could the Creative City Be Created in Developing Countries? Evidence from China. His thesis and speech were highly praised in the comments from Professor Pier Luigi from IULM University Milan, Italy.

During the symposium, Professor Li also shared views with representatives from Germany, Italy, Uk and Japan on the topics of how to proceed international association and cooperation in the future. Finally the meeting reached a consensus.(By Dai Junru)